
Wills and Probate

We spend the majority of our lives working to provide for ourselves and our loved ones.

Do you have a house, flat, savings, shares, investments or personal possessions? These are your assets (i.e. your estate). A Will is a legal document that allows you to specify who should benefit from any of your assets (i.e. your estate).

If you die without making a Will your estate will be distributed under the Rules of Intestacy incorporated in the Administration of Estates Act 1925. This can sometimes leave your children without any of your estate, but at other times they may be left with too much of your estate, forcing the sale of your family home to meet their inheritance. The law will dictate who can administer your estate and they may not be the people you trust most with your family's inheritance.

If you die leaving children under the age of 18, who will look after them? By not making a Will you may be leaving such decisions to Social Services. If you are not married your partner may not inherit anything from your estate and this could result in them being forced out of the home you have shared together. They would have to make a long and expensive claim against your estate to get money you would have wanted them to have.

It is crucial that the wording in your will is clear and legally effective.

Themis Lawyers are happy to assist and our solicitors will ensure your will gives you real peace of mind. You can make provisions for your partner and family, and know that your wishes will be carried out.

We understand that you may be nervous about making your Will and the formalities involved. We are friendly and offer a flexible service, visiting you in your own home or hospital/nursing home if necessary or more convenient to you.

When taking instructions we will listen to your wishes and put these into a legal document to make sure that those wishes are followed when you die.

We are able to draft a straight forward will for a fixed fee, which starts form £90 plus vat . For more complex estate planning we can provide a quote based on the work which will be involved

We offer:

What can happen if you do not make a Will?


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Mon-Fri: 0900-1700

Call us today on 0161 881 0386 or email info@themislawyers.co.uk to find out how we can help.

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